Friday 28 June 2013

Over-cranking and Under-cranking Lesson 27/06/13

We learned more about recording someone lip syncing to a track in this lesson, we also learned how to speed up and slow down the recorded track so when the track was slowed down,  both the track and video recording would be in sync and the video would be good quality and not have the track going fast than the lips of the actor, we also learned how to put a recorded video on to the laptop, and this would really help us when we come to do our music video, as it can be a music video if we don't know how to put the video on.

Above is a photo of Conor, editing the speed of the soundtrack, so that it plays at double the speed, so that when it is slowed down, it will sync in with the video recording.

Above is a photo of Conor, posing for the video recording, in the corner is Me ready to press play so the track can begin.

Video Recording Lesson 26/06/13

We learned how to record someone that was lip syncing to a track, and this will help us with our music video when we come to do it, also it stops us from not knowing what to do when it comes to us making our music video, and not knowing how to lip sync.

The photo above is Conor posing for the music video, as he was the actor that was lip syncing.

We also put different transparent objects in front of the camera to add effects to the video, one of these was a plate , the distorted the image and made the actor very difficult to see, so we used this as a transition to make it look a little more like a music video, and not Conor dancing around in a room.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Lighting Lesson 20/06/13

In this lesson we were taught how to use lights on a set, and also how the lights looked through the camera. Also we were taught what effects the lighting can have on the set and its characters, and that filters can add characteristics to the scene.
This is a photo of one of the cameras that we were using, this camera is a DSLR, it operates at a 50 FPS (Frames per Second).
 This is a photo of me using one of the DSLR cameras that Adam was teaching us with. We were using three camera all facing at a set with lights set up around it, and we were looking at the effects that the lights and the filters had on the set, through the camera, so we knew what the audience would see.
This is a photo of Mitchel setting up on of the lights that we were using. All of the lights were fitted with something called "Barn Doors", these allows the user to direct the light and let it only shine on the areas that they wish it to.
After being in this lesson, i have learn that lights create characteristics to the scene, and also that certain colours have certain light temperatures for example, Blue is a cold temperature, and Red is a hot temperature, this means that if there is a blue light on the scene it will make the scene look colder, and a red light would make the scene look hotter. Also I learned that having a back light on and no other lights on, can create a mysterious feature on the character in the scene, it makes the audience wonder who the character is.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Camera Lesson 19/06/13

On the 19/6/13, me and my class had a lesson that showed us the functionalities of two different cameras, one of these cameras was a DSLR camera. Every class member had a go at using the two cameras and adam showed us parts on the camera such as the Shutter speed of the camera (which controls the frame rate that the camera will operate at), also the Gain control on the camera which makes the camera fuzzy and blurry, and makes the image more noisy, also Adam showed us the Aperture control on both cameras, the Aperture control, makes the image lighter or darker depending on how the cameraman want the image.
Here are some photos of us using the camera:
Mainly in this lesson, I learnt about the Aperture feature on the camera, and the Gain control on the larger camera, i also learnt that the DSLR does the exact same as the larger camera but can also be used for slow motion shooting. I also learnt what FPS (Frames Per Second) each camera works on. The larger camera automatically runs on a FPS of  25 FPS and the DSLR runs on about 50 FPS.