Friday 19 July 2013

Textual Analysis- Paranoid (Black Sabbath)

Artist: Black Sabbath

Genre: Heavy Metal/ ProtoPunk

Who Directed/Produced it?: Rodger Bain

When it was created: August 1970

Record label: Vertigo

Mise En Scene
The setting of the clip looks to be set in the middle of a large building. The scene is very difficult to pick out as, no audience is seen in the video and also that large wall behind the band is very confusing. But in the corner of some of the shots, a curtain can be seen and a light on a stand can be seen, showing that they have chose this area for their music video.

Costumes and Makeup
The band look to be wearing everyday clothes of the 1970's, such as wooly jumpers, plain shirts and trousers, this shows that they don't care what they look like, they just want to be comfortable whilst they are playing. But ironically the lead guitarist has a cross on a necklace, which is odd because most people think Heavy metal is about death and satan and killing each other, but the guitarist is wearing a christian cross.

There are only a few props visible, there is only the bands instruments, that make them look like they are playing the song, and also that giant wall in the background that spins, that is there to make the scene more full instead of having the band playing in a empty room, they are playing with a mysterious wall in the background, and its also there to attract the audiences attention. Plus a curtain and a light that can be seen in some shots, but I don't think they are supposed to be in shot.

All the lights in this video are artificial in this clip, they have used these lights to make it brighter and easier to see everything in the setting such as the band members and their instruments.They have also use lights to make the areas beside the wall to change from dark to light very quickly.

Colour Palette
As the video is from the 1970s and colour television was still in the making back then, the video's colour palette is black and white, but this is good as it goes with the old song that is being played, and if any viewer was alive in the 1970's, then it would bring them a lot of happy memories.

Camera Techniques
There is quite a few different camera techniques. There are close-ups which allow the audience to see that person's facial expression or get a closer look at what is in the shot such as the guitarist's guitar. There are zooms, mostly zoom outs, this allows the audience to gradually see more of what they were focused on, for example when it slowly zooms out, it eventually shows that the person they were focused on was the guitarist, as he is holding a guitar. Also there are pans which allow the audience to see the whole setting but on some occasions see to much of the setting. There are groups shots as well that allows the audience to see all of the band in one shot, so that they can see the guitarist, the bassist, the drummer and the singer all in one shot, this helps the audience to remember what the band looks like.

Editing Techniques
Because the video is from 1970 there is not many editing techniques, as you would get in a newer more up to date music video. There is only cuts through out the whole of the video, there is no other editing technique found in the video, but there is 32 cuts throughout the whole video.

Target Audience
The target audience are those that like heavy metal music, or like to listen to the Black Sabbath band. The age of the target audience is more for the older people such as 50, 60s and up, as they are the ones that stick to the music they heard as a child. The gender of the target audience is mostly males, as they are more into guitars and head banging music such as this.

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