Thursday, 16 January 2014

Website Planning

After looking through other musicians and bands websites, I have been able to find good feature that should be put on to the website to make it more useful and beneficial to the user.
1st Page= The first page should be the "Home Page", this page should welcome the Audience to the website, and tell them about the band/musician that created the website. This page should also have examples of what is on the other pages, for example there should be a subtitle about the News Page, and so on. Finally the website should have links to the albums that the band have published.
2nd Page= The second page should be the "Music Page", this page should give the user examples of the bands music, for example 1 song from each album to give the audience a taster of the bands/musicians music, a try before you buy kind of concept.
3rd Page= The third page should be the "News Page", this page will keep the audience informed about the band, such as gigs/festivals/concerts that the band/musicians will be attending. It should also give audience about some of the bands particular events, such as calls for Game Shows or Reality T.V shows, or relationship status and so on, this keeps the audience in touch with the band and makes them feel closer to the band/musicians themselves.
4th Page= The fourth page should be the "Photos Page", this page will show photos of the band, album covers, photos of gigs etc. Also this allows the audience to see what the band/musicians gigs are like and see if it is their kind of gig. Also it allows the audience to see what the band/musicians look like. Some of the audience will use some of the photos as backgrounds on their desktop. Also the photos give the page a personalized kind of feel to it, where is if the page didn't have and band photos, it would look like the creators of the website have not put the effort in to the product.
5th page= The final page should be the "Contact Page", this page should give social network details, email details and so on. This allows fans to get in touch with the band and sometimes the band reply, also it allows the audience to send the band any questions that they may have. Plus this keeps the fans closer to the band instead of them feeling left our or far apart from the band.
Overall- All of the pages should have a working navigational system, that allows the audience to navigate the product and go through the pages. As if the site didn't have a functional navigation system then the audience would not be able to get from page to page, and would quickly lose interest in the website. Also the website should have some interactive elements to keep the user entertained whilst using their site, this keeps the user happy and intrigued about the website. Finally the website should be designed and build with the band audience in mind, because if the band audience is 16 year olds and the site is build with 61 year olds in mind then the fans of the band will not be interested and could lose interest in the band themselves.

I will take most if not all of these points into account when I create my website for the Audioslave band.

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