Monday 13 January 2014

Website Research

I researched for the Audioslave and there is not one that exists, so I went on both of their recording labels, and they are not on those pages either. Therefore I am using other band websites as examples for my research.
This is a screenshot of the first page of the Rage Against the Machine Website. As you can see in the centre of the page is the Name of the band, this is large text so that it will be remembered by the Reader after they have left the site. Down in the bottom left of the page is a button allowing the reader to purchase a copy of the album.
As you can see in the image above there are a lot of links, all of these links are in a bright red and of a reasonable size, so they are easy to read and visible on the black Background. This red color of the buttons makes them easy to see on the black background, The white text and red buttons are the bands main known colors as shown in the title. These colours also help the text stand out and is very easy to read on the black background, this is one main feature that must be taken into consideration when creating a site, because if the user can't read the text then they will not use the website for very long, whereas if the text stands out and is very appealing to the user then they will remember the design of the page.

Above is a screenshot of the upper part of the Home page of their website in this screenshot there is reference to news where the audience can hear the latest about the band, for example newer members among other things, also on the page is the store where users can purchase merchandise which is usually only available at their gigs. These are two good feature to have on a website, the news keep the audience informed about the band and what they will be doing over a certain time period and the store allows the audience to have some of the band merchandise and also makes the band some money at the same time. The title at the top of the page show some images of the band and can also play some of the bands most iconic tracks. This is a good feature to have on a website, this makes the site more interactive and interesting for the user. this is a feature that I would like to have on the website that I create.
Above is a image of a particular button on the website, when this button is clicked it will take the user straight to Rage Against The Machine's Record Label which is "Axis Of Justice". This is a good feature on the website, as it is quick and easy access to the bands label company website.
Above is a screenshot of the lower part of the homepage, this part of the page shows, photos of the band live at festivals and gigs, and the events that the band have and will be attending. The events part of the page tell the audience where the band are playing at a certain date, for example Rage Against The Machine are playing July 30th 2011 in Los Angeles, and then there is a little description of where the band is playing. This is a good feature as it keeps the audience in touch with the band, so they know where the band are playing and they can go and see them. The photos are a very good feature as it allows the audience to see what has been going on at the gigs. This is a good idea because it makes the site more interactive and more interesting for the user and makes the users experience on the site better.
Above is a screenshot of the lower on the homepage, as shown in the image the news section that started at the top of the page is still going. This is bad feature as the audience can't look at the as just a page they have to scroll down, to see more of the page, on the other hand, this is good feature because it means that more information can be put on the page because is bigger than usual, and it means that the band can put as much information as they like as the page don't have limits. Also on the page there are links to the bands other pages, such as the videos or the extras this gives the audience quick access to the other pages of the bands website.

Above is a better shot of the top of the homepage, this shows the store and the news page, section of this page, as you can see the store page allows the audience to purchase products with the "Rage Against The Machine" title or logo, some have song lyrics written on. The News page tell the audience about the bands latests releases, soon to come gigs and sometimes hints into albums that the band are producing, this provides good information for the R.A.T.M (Rage Against The Machine) fans, as they will know what is coming soon.
Above is a shot of the newest album that R.A.T.M have released, as shown written underneath the album is "Buy Now", this tells the audience that here they can purchase the album and get it sent to them. The only fault with link is that it is not in red as the other links are, it is in white so the users think that it is a text box and not a link to Amazon where the album can be purchased. Also on this page is a list of the songs that are on that album, this allows the audience to know what tracks will be in the album, some fans will buy albums just by the names of their songs, if they sound like there kinda songs.

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