Monday 10 February 2014

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


First I used the internet in the research of the band and their styles, for example I looked through the bands Youtube channel and viewed their videos to see the general idea behind their costumes, for example in the bands videos "Like a Stone" and "Revelations" the band are saw wearing very basic clothes such as shirts and vests with jeans and trainers. And after seeing this I incorporated this costume in my Music video, where the band members can be seen wearing shirts and stone washed jeans and trainers. Also I found in these videos that the band can be seen in a variety of different angles so that the audience can get a feel for the scene, I also incorporated this into my video, by viewing the band by a variety of angles. For example they can be be seen from:

Normal medium shot



Long Shot

Roaming Shot

In planning the product, I mostly used the Internet such as Google and Youtube, to find characteristics of  Audioslave music videos and the main characteristics in the videos I would try to incorporate into the music video. For example in the Audioslave video "Revelations", the band are playing in front of a large black canvas

I have used this in my video as the band are playing in front of a large black curtain, as that was all that was available. Also the band has the lights focused on them so the Audience can identify the band members, and as shown in the image below, the lights are mainly focused on the band so their faces can be seen.
In Planning the Digipak I used Google Images, to look through the bands album covers and digipaks to find the main functions that they were using. For example in almost all of the bands album covers they have a calm scene, such as a ocean or space.
 And i aimed to use these kind of calm images in my Digipak to add a consistent feel between the real bands album covers and my bands Digipak.
 Also seen in all of the bands work is the large band name is a bold black font. 

I aimed to incorporate this font and color into my digipak design to further the consistency between Audioslave and my band, but also give the audience ability to read the band name.

In the Website Planning, I used the Rage Against the Machine Website as a Audioslave Website was not available. I used this website as a example, to try and find pages that would be helpful to the audience and beneficial to Audioslave if they were put on the website, for example the "Music Page" this page allows the user to listen to the bands music and to see if it is their type of band where as the "Music Page" will promote the band themselves. 

The main program that was used for the construction of the video was Final Cut Pro, I used this program to edit the video and tweak the parts that required tweaking. 
For example the lip syncing was originally off after filming then adding the audio so after slightly cutting and moving the audio in certain places, the lip syncing is almost perfect. It also allowed me to add cuts into the video, where without Final Cut I would have had to stop recording, move everyone to where they needed to be for the next scene and then continue to record whereas with Final Cut with a click of a button, the video will go to the next scene without the unnecessary messing about and stopping the recording.

For the Construction of the Digipak, I used Photoshop to edit the Images that I had taken from my video, also it allowed me to cut, rotate and resized the images that I had to make them fit onto each side of the Digipak. Also it allowed me to add other things to the digipak such as a barcode and a copyright sign, this makes the digipak look more authentic and original.

For the construction of the Website, I used Wix Website Design and Editing, this allowed to look through the already available design/ templates and find the design that was close to my designs, after choosing the template i was able to go through the site and editing bits that needed changing, for example the title needed to be changed, and also the background, as these were not in Audioslaves style.

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